North America

Overwater Bungalows in the US

What are Overwater Bungalows? Overwater bungalows are a type of accommodation that is perched atop calm, shallow waters. These unique…

1 year ago

Best Things to do in Maui | 3-Day Maui Itinerary

When people ask me which of the Hawaiian Islands they should visit, I always suggest Maui for first-timers. I've been…

1 year ago

Overwater Bungalows in Florida

Technically there is only one overwater bungalow in the U.S. and it’s probably not where you think! The Polynesian Village…

1 year ago

How to Photograph a Magic Kingdom Flyover

Wondering how to photograph a Magic Kingdom flyover? Every few years (give or take) the U.S. Navy Blue Angels or…

1 year ago

1-Day Lānaʻi Itinerary

Looking for things to do on Lanai? Lānaʻi is a small island off the west coast of Maui. I recently…

1 year ago

Why I didn’t summit Koko Crater Trail | Oahu, Hawaii

1000 steps up to the top of an Oahu mountain on Koko Crater Trail can sound a little daunting. And…

2 years ago

3-Day Oahu Itinerary | The Best Things to Do on Oahu

When it comes to Hawaii, Oahu tends to be the island that people fly into from the Continental US, and…

2 years ago

How to Help Lāhaina, Maui

Hawaii, and Maui in particular, is very near and dear to my heart. I've traveled there half a dozen times…

2 years ago

Hutchinson Island, Florida In Film

Affiliate links are included in this article. Any affiliate is a resource I use and recommend. If you click on…

2 years ago

What I Spent In 5 Days at the Albuquerque New Mexico International Balloon Fiesta

Affiliate links are included in this article. Any affiliate is a resource I use and recommend. If you click on…

2 years ago

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